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She’s a Legend (She Just Doesn’t Know it Yet)

Saving the Multiverse Is No Game

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Map of The Kingdom Beyond (And Beyond)

Art © 2018 Cat Scully

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Sayantani DasGupta

Sayantani DasGupta

Sayantani DasGupta grew up hearing stories about brave princesses, bloodthirsty rakkhosh and flying pakkhiraj horses. She is a pediatrician by training, but now teaches at Columbia University. When she's not writing or reading, Sayantani spends time watching cooking shows with her trilingual children and protecting her black Labrador Retriever Khushi from the many things that scare him, including plastic bags. She is a team member of We Need Diverse Books, and can be found online at www.sayantanidasgupta.com and on Twitter at @sayantani16

Slideshow images © 2018 Vivienne To. Map Image © 2018 Cat Sully.