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Brian Lynch - Toy Academy Book #2: Ready for Action

Toy Academy Book #2: Ready for Action

Author: Brian Lynch; Illustrator: Edwardian Taylor

  • AGES 7 - 10 
  • Genre Fiction
Grumbolt is majoring in action! He's finally getting to follow his dreams as a heroic action figure at Toy Academy, from learning daring maneuvers to getting paired up with a sidekick! Grumbolt can't wait to find out who his sidekick is, until it turns out that he's the sidekick. And to school bully Rex Everything, no less. This duo will never work.
But when a toy named Tempest Boomcloud busts into Toy Academy, kidnaps a classmate, and steals Rex's van, it looks like Grumbolt and Rex will have to work together to stop Tempest's evildoing and figure out why she's terrorizing them. Can they stop fighting long enough to brave dangerous lairs, vanquish terrifying teddy bears, and stop Tempest once and for all?